We celebrate our youth as they grow into their faith-journey with memorable "Milestone" events and gifts presented to them by the Congregaton:      



A Faith Chest is given to each Baptized member. The faith chest is used to put all the “faith items” you receive throughout your life! Baptism cards, Candles, etc. may be placed in the chest for safe keeping.


1-year-old-Song Book w/CD                                           

Song books with a music CD is present to the family of all 1-year old youth to take home and read/sing together.


2-year-old-Prayer Bears                                             

Mt. Zion's 2-year-old youth will receive soft prayer bears to keep with them just as God is always with them.


3-year-old-Prayer Pillows

Prayer pillows are introduced to aid parents in introducing their children to various prayers and the many ways to pray.  


4-year-old-Story Bibles

Story Bibles are placed in the hands of your 4-year-old as they begin their Bible studies through Sunday school and Story time with their parents.


Kindergarten-Backpack Blessing                                                          

Kindergarten students getting ready for the next big event in their lives are invited to bring their backpacks to church where we bless the backpacks, the children, and their parents as they start this next 13-year journey in their lives. 


1st Grade-Blessing Bowls                                                

First graders and their parents are brought together to have conversations about how God has blessed us. These blessings take many forms and can be viewed in many ways. Each child (with their parent) then paints stones for their bowls that will remind them of the many ways to look for God’s blessings.


2nd Grade-Bible or Themed Pillow Cases

Second Graders will decorate their very own pillow case with things that are important to them.                                                 

3rd Grade-Bible Story Stones

Together with Pastor Carolyn, the 3rd Graders will decorate stones with symbols from the bible, so they can create their own “Stone Stories”


4th grade-Bible Presentation                                               

Fourth Grade Bibles are presented to the 4th Grade Students at the beginning of the school year. This event is also accompanied by a BIBLE LATE NIGHT held here at the church! We have fun getting to understand the Bible and fellowship with our fellow classmates!


5th grade-1st Communion                                                                  

The fifth Grade Students make keepsake communion cups for the students to take home and place in their faith chests.


6th grade ~ Prayer Milestone

Our sixth graders learned more about prayer in preparation for writing and leading the prayers during worship.


7th grade ~ Toolboxes                                                         

We, as a congregation, encourage our youth to seriously consider mission work as part of their Christian life. This tool box will remind them that they have the skills (tools) to help other people in all ways—physically and spiritually.


8th grade ~ Blessed to be a Blessing

The youth receive money and are instructed to use the money to bless someone or some organization they feel they can “Bless” them with a donation. They will each write an article on who and why they picked their recipient and the congregation will be able to read about it in the Mt. Zion Newsletter.


9th grade ~ Confirmation                                                                

The ninth Grade Students (going into 10th Gr.) will be confirmed in faith in the spring. We invite mentors, grandparents, godparents, other relatives and many family members to join us on this important day.  


10th grade ~ Driver’s license                                                                

In January we honor our youth who either received their license or permit to drive throughout the past year.   We offered up prayers and they receive a keychain to keep with them as a reminder that God is always with them.


11th grade ~ Service Day Project

In the Spring, the 11th Grade class will meet with Pastor Carolyn and Robin to pick a service project for them to do as a Group. This can be anything they wish to do.                                         


12th grade ~ Senior Blanket                                  

At the end of the school year, the graduating seniors receive a blanket (made by the 9th grade confirmation class) to take with them as they leave high school and move on with their lives. The blanket is to remind them of the warmth they feel as members of Mt. Zion and as a reminder of the love we have for our children!
















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