Sunday Morning Schedule:
8:15am Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Worship with Communion
10:30am Fellowship
10:45am Sunday School
All are welcome!
Lenten Services start on Wednesday, March 5 (Ash Wednesday) through April 9th. Soup and sandwich meals start at 6 pm each Wednesday night before the Lenten services which start at 7 pm.
Pastor Dean Simpson (Interim Pastor)
If you are in need of pastoral care, please call 715.396.1465
Church Secretary
(715) 386-5409
Social Support
If you are in need any support services, please call 211.
Here we stand…in the freely-given gift of Christ…compelled to reach out into the world.
Meet Mt. Zion Lutheran Staff
Come to the About Us section to meet the staff and clergy,
find contact information and find out what we're all about!